Year 2 Blog 21/05/2021

This week Year 2 have been focusing on the story of Pentecost which celebrates and remembers the coming of the Holy Spirit. The children created some beautiful art work for our sacred space and went on to retell the story of Pentecost.

In Maths, we have been concentrating on telling the time. We pretended to be clocks, turning clockwise and anti-clockwise. There were lots of hands turning … half turns, full turns, quarter turns. Everyone used great reasoning to prove their times.

In Science we have been thinking about the properties of different materials. The children were challenged to design and to make a building for a toy company. In order to sell their product, the toy company wanted like to know why the children choose the materials for the walls, windows, roof, etc..  The finished products were brilliant!!!

Home Learning:


Telling the time, Adding on 50, Reading High frequency sight words.

Science: Nature table – Please bring in any objects to add to our nature table. From feathers to fossils or twigs to seeds…. whatever natural objects you find on your adventures in the wild.. you can share in class on our nature table.

Have a peaceful weekend,

Miss Davey