Week 5

What a busy week! On Tuesday, Year 5 had a fantastic time at the Science Museum. The children enjoyed looking at the space gallery and loved the 3D IMAX experience. It allowed us to explore space and imagine life on the International Space Station. Back at school, we reflected on how beautiful our planet is and the amazing images we had seen. A real highlight of the trip was the Apollo 11 simulator. We bumped and jolted along and felt like we were on the moon! There were so many smiles throughout the day that it made the coach journey worth it!

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Today Year 5 did a wonderful job on teaching the school about St Francis. They spoke so clearly and received many compliments from staff for their performance. Well done Year 5!

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In English, we have begun looking at biographies. We have compared them to autobiographies and identified the features of each. In maths, we have been rounding numbers in a range of ways.


Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines

Home Learning


English Skill Book- Section 1, Test 2

Reading comprehension


History, imagine, increase, important, interest, island, knowledge, learn, length, library, material, medicine, mention, minute and natural.

