Week 4: 31st January
Dear Parents,
My sincere apologies about this blog: Week 4 31st January. It had been done last Friday but unfortunately it was archived onto the school website instead of appearing on the Year 4 blog.
Mrs McNamara
This week we have been developing our learning in various subjects. In Science the children investigated the melting times of different solid materials such as ice cream, chocolate, wax, butter etc and placed their results in a graph.
On Wednesday the children took part in a cyber-bullying workshop. The theme of the workshop was K.I.N.D. and the children learnt the importance of taking the appropriate steps to keep themselves safe online.
Today, the children had their last dance session and showed their Roman dance to the Year 3s. They performed the dance well.
Also this week, the children had a session on computer programming and were introduced to Scratch which they really enjoyed exploring. The explored the programme itself and started devising their own programmes to move their ‘sprites’ on the ‘stage’ using a ‘script’.
This morning at our assembly, the children met some of the Governing Body. The governors spoke to them about their roles and how they support Mrs Heymoz in her role as the Headteacher.
Mr Lyons
Mrs Alder
Mrs Strange
Fr Shaun
Mr O’Keefe
Mrs Joyce
Thank you also for taking part in the Bird Watch last weekend. The children’s recordings have been passed on to add to the data gathered.
Have a lovely weekend.
Homework for this weekend:
- Mathletics
- Revise 6, 7 and 8 timestables.
- Reading and updating their reading logs
- Spellings: Homophones scene, seen, mail, male, bawl, ball, plane, plain, wear, where, some, sum