Year 6 – 31/01/20
In English, we have focused on using a variety of clause structures in our writing, as well as learning how to use and spot the passive voice. In maths, we learnt how to find fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents. In RE, we started pulling apart the Lord’s Prayer to really think about its meaning. In PE, we continued our dance unit, this time focusing on telling a story through dance to the music of You’ve Got A Friend In Me. In D&T, we made templates for the mobile phone cases, and in geography, we learnt about the varied physical features of the Americas due to its sheer size.
On Wednesday, the class took part in an e-safety workshop, where they had the opportunity to ask lots of questions relating to things scenarios in which they may find themselves online.
We did some more eco-brick making on Tuesday.
On Thursday, the Year 6s partnered up with the Year 3s to help them find where they’d met their writing targets. They worked brilliantly together, with the Year 6s being excellent role models.
This week’s home learning (due Tuesday 4th February) is as follows:
English | (online) – Passive and Active x2, Subordinate clauses & conjunctions x2 |
Spellings | Adjectives from the Field Guide:
malicious vicious devious immortal nocturnal ravenous opportunistic lethal elongated mischievous |
Times tables |
(online) tasks – fraction, decimal and percentage equivalents (3 tasks)
Continue to revise all times tables. |
Science | For Monday’s science lesson, please bring in a photo of you with your immediate family (or on a USB that I will print out). |