30th April – 4th May

Year 3 have been very creative this week. In art they have been sketching animal eyes – they have then used their sketches to design dragon eyes. It has been wonderful to see their designs develop. Next week they will be finishing their canvas paintings ready for the Potters Bar art exhibition.

In maths the children have been using their measuring skills to investigate the length of different objects and solve measurement problems and we are looking forward to sharing our Road to Emmaus newspapers with you soon.

In D & T the children have been designing their very our bug hotels, with the help of both myself and Mrs Burgess from Stormont School. This week they started to make mock hotels, experimenting with materials and designs. They were very creative and worked really well in pairs to use the hand drills and saws.

Home Learning:

Mathletics and Spag.com has been set, please complete by Wednesday 9th May.

Spelling – Prefixes

disappoint    disagree   disobey    inactive   incorrect    anticlockwise   antisocial    antiseptic

Miss Pringle

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