Week 2
A fun and busy week in Year 1! On Tuesday, the children were delighted to see the farm animals in our playground. They stroked and fed the animals and learnt about what they like to eat. Then they wrote a recount of their experience. Their writing was fantastic! In the afternoon, the children made farm animals using clay and painted them later in the week.
In Maths, the children have been drawing cherry models and bar models to solve different calculations and to help them to understand the link between addition and subtraction. They also corrected problems given to them and explained the mistakes that they identified.
In PE, the children learnt to play the game rounders. We focused on how important teamwork is when playing a competitive game.
In Science we observed the tulips in our garden carefully and drew and coloured them in. Their attention to detail was brilliant!
On Friday, the children learn the story of St George and retold it in their own words.
Home Learning
Mathletics did not work last week so this can be completed this weekend.
Phonics and Maths learning sent home.
Reading – Please practise reading and spelling the tricky words at the front of the reading record.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey