Friday 12th November 2021

The children have had an exciting week in year 5.  They have been working very hard towards their class assembly, that took place today. It was lovely to see so many parents this morning. The children were delighted to see you all, if a little nervous, but they performed magnificently. The theme of the assembly was Kindness, as it’s World Kindness Day on Saturday 13th November.

In English, we have just started on our new topic of Explorers this week, in which the children will be developing a guide on how to survive in a chosen part of the world.

In Maths, the children have been focussing on multiplication, including what happens when decimals are multiplied by 10, 100 and 1000. Next week work on division will also begin.

In RE, the children have started to learn more about Advent and its significance. This week they made Advent wreaths using small pieces of coloured paper, and started to examine the symbolism of the wreath and the candles.

The children also attended a webinar this morning with other schools on the importance of kindness, so as well as the usual homework this weekend,  an additional task, suggested at the end of the webinar, will be for them to think about doing something kind for someone.

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, please especially enjoy tomorrow as it’s World Kindness Day.

Mr Holmes

  1. Mathletics – log in and complete the activities set.
  2. Read Theory – log in and complete at least five exercises. The comprehension exercises are assigned Monday to Sunday. Well done to those children who have worked hard this week and made progress in their account.
  3. Read for at least 15 minutes a day and remember to complete your reading record.
  4. Spellings for this forthcoming week are apostrophes for contraction: didn’t, can’t, hadn’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t, couldn’t, won’t, I’ll, we’ll, shan’t, don’t, haven’t
  5. To think about an act of  kindness towards someone this weekend.