Tuesday 9th June 2020

Good morning Year 2,

I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and I hope that you enjoyed all the learning activities set. Please continue to share your wonderful learning with me. I will share all your wonderful work in Friday’s celebration blog.

Remember to sign up for the Hertfordshire Libraries Summer Reading Challenge! https://summerreadingchallenge.org.uk

You will find today’s learning activities in the table below.

Have a great day!

Miss Davey

Subject Activity
Prayer Prayer for Tuesday 9th June 2020

God of judgment and mercy, thank you for your love,
which continually calls me to come closer to you.
Help me to see you in all people I meet
and to recognize how to serve you by helping others,
especially those in need.

Religion Visit the Religion blog to complete this week’s learning activities.
Pope Francis: A person living the spirit of Pentecost.
Spellings & Handwriting Copy the following sentences into your handwriting book.
They kept digging until they found the buried treasure.
Max was sitting in his usual seat, next to Tom.
It usually takes me ten minutes to walk to the park but today it took longer.
I watched the television as Dad cooked the dinner.
You must measure the flour carefully to make the perfect cake.
Reading Continue to read daily and discuss what you have read.You can access plenty of wonderful books via the Harper Collins website: https://connect.collins.co.uk/school/Portal.aspx

Username: parents@harpercollins.co.uk


Use the Teacher Login area.

Maths 09-06-2020
Morning ChallengeFill in the missing numbers and operations into the boxes to make the correct number sentences.

WALT: Partition numbers into tens and onesThe Place Value machine

English Tuesday 9th June 2020
WALT: Recognise contractionsRead the following passage. List all the contractions you find.Read the sentences below. Find all the contractions and copy them out carefully. Then write out the two words that you think make the contraction, indicating which letter/s were replaced by the apostrophe.  Please note that some of the sentences have got more than one contraction!

Wider Curriculum Wellbeing Week

Tuesday – Be Active
Today’s activities are all about enthusiasm, energy and confidence.