Summer 2 Week 1

We have been very active and creative this week in Y3. In PE (tennis) we have learnt how to volley and in athletics we have been learning how to jump in different ways.

We have applied glaze to our Egyptian plates and are looking forward to seeing the finished products next week. We are also excited to see how tall our newly planted sunflowers become and I’m happy to report that our potatoes are looking very healthy!

The children have worked hard during maths to develop their arithmetic skills and in English they have written very clear instructions for mummifying – watch out!

In RE we have focused on Pentecost and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

We are looking forward to our class Mass next Wednesday and hope to see many of you there.

Home Learning:


young, trouble, double, country, touch, rough, tough, enough, encourage, cousin, couple, courage.


Practice 4 and 8 timetables on either mathletics or hit the button.

The class also need to recap adding and subtracting fractions with the same denominator.  Please discuss-here is an example;



Draw, paint or make a collage  (paper provided) for Pentecost – here are some examples;

Photos of our week