Reception Class Week Beginning 28.2.22

Wow! What an exciting week Reception have had!

This week, Reception have had two full days of whole school celebrations.

On Tuesday, the children celebrated Mardi Gras, by making fabulous masks, learning about how it is celebrated all over the world, eating pancakes, participating in pancake races and joining in with the whole school Mardi Gras dance! The class had so much fun!

On Thursday, the children also enjoyed participating in World Book Day. Thank you for providing your children with such wonderful costumes.

The day started with a whole school celebratory assembly. Here the children were able to see the amazing array of costumes worn by the children across the school. They were then invited onto the stage, where they told the children and staff which book character they had come dressed as. In class, the children made reading crowns and enjoyed doing a story scavenger hunt.

As we are due some sunshine next week, we are aiming to take the children for a walk over the farmland next to the school, as part of our new class focus, ‘On the Farm’. This will most likely be on Tuesday. If you haven’t done so already, can you please supply a pair of wellington boots for your child, as it will be quite muddy over there after the recent rain. Thank you!

*Apologies, we are currently unable to upload photos to this page; I will add them onto your child’s Tapestry account.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team