Friday 27th November

Exploring Multiplication Games on Maths Frame using Multiplication Tile Crash and Multiplication Miner….the children used their knowledge of their times tables and other tools to assist them.


This week, the children have focussed on starting their story plans based on ‘The Magic Coin’ story as well as developing their understanding of dialogue and ensuring they can use the correct punctuation for this in their work.

We have been reading our class book on Half Magic and the children have immersed themselves in this story which is about a girl called Jane who finds a strange coin.  It turns out that the coin grants wishes but only by half!  Ask your child to tell you about this exciting book! Alfie and Ti took the opportunity to show the class their coin collection which the children really enjoyed.

In Maths, the children have been creating and regrouping arrays for multiplication (using the distribution law) and learning multiplication facts through building arrays.  The children have been encouraged to learn the facts for the 2 – 12 times tables as this will  develop their understanding of this solving problems involving multiplying.

Over the last two weeks, the children have been finding out about how scientists have made a difference to our society.  They learnt about George Washington Carver , a world-renowned American Botanist, who devoted his life’s work to helping farmers successfully grow their crops and they have learnt about Dr Ayanna Howard who designed the Safe Navigation Rover to assess the terrain on Mars using human-based logic and choose safe paths accordingly.

In design and technology, the children continued to develop their understanding of mechanics and levers, creating a waving hand mechanism and a moving dragon.  We were delighted to see some of the children try their skills at home too.

Wishing you and your family a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga


Homework for this week:

The Suffix – ous


Science Homework – Create your own musical instrument.

Home learning for this week is also whole-school focus as this Sunday is the First Sunday of Advent. Click here for details.

Additionally, we are providing you with an electronic version of the Wednesday Word, so that each week you can focus with your family on the Advent Gospel readings.

Click here for this Sunday’s copy.

Please continue your child to read daily and record in their reading diaries.

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