Friday, 24th November 2023

This week, the children in Year 4 had multiple opportunities to learn whilst having fun.

On Monday, the choir spent the day at the Royal Albert Hall, whilst any remaining children worked on a clever, open ended Maths problem with Year 5 and 6 pupils, made props for our upcoming KS2 Advent service and finally designed and built their own Marble Run using only paper.

On Tuesday, we participated in a Multi Skills sports festival at Furzefield Centre, competing against local schools. The children had a go at frisbee, tennis, football, long jump and throwing. Even though it was cold and a bit wet, the class had a great time and it has been lovely to see them support and cheer for each other.

Later on in the week, we revised the use of fronted adverbials in English and planned for our second big narrative based on the story of Ice Palace that the children will write next week. In Maths, we focused on counting in multiples and representing multiplication number sentences with arrays and bar models.

In RE, we prayed the Lectio Divina and practiced for our Advent service whilst in Science, we used junk modelling resources to build musical instruments in order to investigate volume, pitch and the strength of vibration.

Please note, that next week, the children will need to walk to the Church on Wednesday (29th) and Friday (1st) for a rehearsal, so it is important that they have a hooded, warm coat on those days.

If your child told you that they have received acting parts in the Advent Service (St Lucia, Star boys, Attendants), they will need a simple outfit for the service. For boys: grey school trousers + a white top. That can be dad’s oversized T shirt/ a tunic/ a gown. Please NO bright logos! For girls: school tights/ leggings + a white top. That again can be a larger shirt/ T shirt, a white dress. The longer, the looser the white tops are, the better. Please do not feel, you have to buy or order a specific costume. Any existing large white top is perfect. Please send these to school in a labelled bag on Monday, 4th November 2023. Thank you for your support with this.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

Home Learning Due back on Tuesday, 28th November 2023
Spelling Words where ‘ch’ makes a /sh/ sound


Please complete 2 activities or alternatively download the attached comprehension tasks.

A New Home- text

A New Home – questions

A New Home- answers



( Super well done to Gabriella, who is in second place on our Whole School leader board with 227,732!!!)


Advent Service Please practice our class song and read through your lines.