Friday 18th October, 2024
Another week has whizzed by and it has been a busy one!
On Tuesday the Liturgy group went to the church to participate in the morning rosary and next week, they will be leading the rosary which they are excited about. They have also been leading the rosary each lunchtime with the rest of the school and many of the children have joined them in the Year 5 or 6 classroom to do this. It has been such a joy to watch them lead the children in such a prayerful way. Well done Michael, Chloe, Mya, Tiya and Sophie!
On Tuesday the class also did a local visit around Potters Bar as part of their History Topic: Potters Bar at War.
The children have been very keen to learn all about what happened in the first and second World War and especially learn about what happened in Potters Bar. In 1916 the Zeppelin L31 was shot down over Potters Bar, by pilot officer Tempest. A road was to be later named after him. The Zeppelin pilot, Heinrich Matty, jumped from the airship without a parachute, rather than be burned alive. The children visited the cemetery in Mutton Lane, officially known as St Mary’s Cemetery, as it is associated with nearby St Mary the Virgin and All Saints church. The cemetery includes a garden of remembrance for prisoners of war and the children located the graves of those they had been reading and learning about in their history lessons and then went onto visit the Potters Bar war memorial which is located in St John’s Churchyard in the High Street to see the names of those who had lost their lives. To end our trip out we went into Oakmere Park to complete the challenge of a race on the 27m cableway and zoom towards the high ‘Super Zeppelin Tower and climb to the top to take on the 8m long slide!
This week we have started our Art Project so the classroom was a hub of busy artists using materials to begin their collage work. In Maths we have started work on place value up to 1, 000, 000 and powers of 10.
Next week it is One World Week and we will be focusing on the work of the charity ‘Caritas’ in Peru.
We look forward to seeing you at the Parent Consultations next week (Tuesday/Thursday).
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning
Create a factfile about Peru in the form of a poster, ready to share with the class next week. You could include information about:
- biomes found in this country
- Population
- Currency
- Famous Peruvians
- The flag
- Music
- Art