Autumn 2 Week 2
What a busy week!
Anti- bullying has been the main theme in class this week, with Reception focussing more on how to be a good friend. The children have worked very hard producing posters to tell you how this can be done.
They also made friendship bracelets from a range of materials and gave them away to their friends in class.
On Tuesday, Reception participated in an Anti-bullying workshop, where they thought about the importance of being part of a team and how important it is to listen to each others’ ideas.
In Maths, the children have continued to focus on shape and problem solving. In small groups, they have been deciding on their own criteria for sorting shapes, according to the shapes’ properties. Using bubble mixture and different shape cutters, the children had fun investigating whether or not the bubble shape changed, according to the shape blown through.
In RE, we have been thinking about preparing for a baby and relating this to how the Catholic church prepares for Christmas, during Advent.
Today, the children played their own part in deciding the future name of our school, by individually voting.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,
The Reception Team