Week 6

This week we have been busy preparing for the Christmas Play. It will be on the website on Monday 14th December.

We have continued learning about Advent and each day we are thinking of how we can help others. The children made Christmas cards for people in a care home.

In Maths we have continued to find the difference between two numbers using a variety of resources. We have solved problems by finding the difference.

In Art we used different skills and techniques to create some artwork based on Kandinsky.

On Friday, we had a special visit from Father Christmas. The children were excited to visit him in the beautiful grotto. The children looked great in their Christmas jumpers.


In Geography, we have been learning about where we live. On the ipads, we looked at google earth and found the United Kingdom and then the school. Can you find your house on google earth?

Home Learning

Geography – Please go on a walk with your child around the local area. Look out for human features of the environment (those which havebeen created by people) and physical features (those which are natural).

Then draw a map of the route you took and label the road names and the human and physical features that you saw.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Carey