Thursday 28th April, 2022

‘A drum, a drum! Macbeth doth come!’

We have focused on Act 1 Scene 3 of Macbeth this week by exploring the setting of the Scottish heath and the interactions between Macbeth, Banquo and the weird sisters. The children have written beautifully descriptive pieces and created artwork using tints and tones to show the landscape and weather . On Tuesday, Year 5 used their best Shakespearean language to act out this scene. Well done, Year 5. Your intonation showed an excellent understanding of the text!

In RE the children met with Dale who chatted to them about the divinity of Christ and they spent time interpreting the story of the resurrection by examining a piece of art by the chinese artist He Qi.  In Maths the children have moved onto learning about conversion in measurement and weight and using the strategies they have worked on, developed their understanding solving worded problems involving conversion.

As part of our focus on wellbeing, the daily mile has started up again and the children have enjoyed taking in part in this.  The children are being encouraged to do this to the best of their ability as we realise that there are a wide variety of health and wellbeing benefits associated with this daily physical activity and an emerging body of evidence supports the positive impact The Daily Mile can have on children’s health.


Wishing you a fabulous bank holiday weekend.  See you on Tuesday.

Polite reminder:  If you have not yet given your consent for the class trip on Wednesday to the Shakespeare Globe, please log onto school comms to complete this.  Thank you!

Home learning

There is no home learning this week. However, children should still prepare for the spelling test on Tuesday on the words given last week.