Friday, 29th April 2022

Although a day shorter, the children in Year 4 had a very busy week.

In Maths they have practiced using formal short multiplication without and with regrouping, whilst in English, after some acting, turned playscripts into narrative using speech punctuation correctly.

In Science, they classified conductors and insulators using simple series circuits, whilst in RE the class interpreted Luke’s second post-Resurrection Gospel and looked for evidence for our beliefs.

In PE, we further consolidated our bawling skills by practicing the over arm throw before incorporating it in some simple cricket games.

In Computing, the children explored simple features of a spreadsheet (Excel) and later added data to their document whilst also carrying out some calculations using ‘autosum’ function.

In Art, the class explored 4 core concepts in painting, such as, tint, shade, tone and primary colours which they then applied in a silhouette picture.

Now that the weather is consistently milder, the class returned to their daily mile exercise and it has been lovely to see their enthusiasm. Well done for Eraldo and Caitlin for winning this week’s ‘daily mile nominations’.

I wish you all a lovely long weekend,

Ms Varga

No Home Learning this week-please read when you can.