Year 6 Week Beginning 11.6.23

It’s been another week of wonderful learning in Year 6 this week!

It was lovely to see so many of you at the Meet the Teacher session on Monday.

Don’t worry if you couldn’t make it as the information will be added to the class page on the school website.

In Maths, the children have been comparing and ordering very large whole and decimal numbers numbers, as part of their learning about place value.

They have applied their new learning on persuasive techniques, through composing and editing letters of application for the school leadership positions. Once finalised, these letters will be given to Mrs Heymoz to consider, along with the results of today’s house captain elections. On that note, the children who put themselves forward and gave speeches in front of their houses this morning were absolutely fantastic- they spoke clearly, were well prepared and were so encouraging of one another! Well done Year 6! All leaderships roles will be announced in due course, so watch this space!

In Science, the children  have been learning about the circulatory system. They spent lots of time finding out about the heart and had lots of fun working in pairs to make a model of one of the chambers!

In History, the class began their new topic based around the theme of ‘Potters Bar at War’. They looked at the chronology of both world wars and looked at how they fitted in with history over time. They created their own timelines and plotted important dates and events that happened between 1900 and now. Please help your child to write down any key events in your own family history, such as birthdates of grand-parents, so they can add to them in class, thank you!

The children have been given a copy of their personal logins for:, Mathletics and Ed Shed. They haven’t been given the T T Rock Stars, although I believe they are the same as last year. I will locate these and give them out early next week.

Home learning has been set as follows:

SPaG– Relative clauses

Colons and semi-colons

Mathletics– Place value activities

Spelling Shed– this week’s Year 6 challenge words- dictation will follow on Friday

Independent reading– Please ensure that you are reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day- parents are asked to kindly sign your reading record once a week.

Please let me know if there are any problems logging on or completing the tasks set. Thank you!

It has been a truly pleasurable week in Year 6 this week!

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Pemberton