Friday 9th September, 2022

The children added new bedding plants to our memorial pots

It has been a lovely start back for Year 6. The children have been very interested in the new topics we have introduced this week in Maths (place value based on large numbers), English (looking at the topic of leadership ), RE (launching our Year of Pilgrimage)…the list goes on!

The children were happy to be back together again and of course have embraced the responsibilities that Year 6 children are given.  From our whole school assembly on Monday to today’s Friday’s assembly, members of the class have acted responsibly and assisted for many events this week including greeting our new reception children and their parents and assisting the new reception class today at lunchtime.  Well done children!

On Monday, in class, the children took part in a class liturgy and discussed their hopes for the coming year.  Their hopes were written on paper rolled into a scroll and then added to the class prayer table.  Every year we examine our Mission prayer and this year, with an extra part added to it, the children spent time talking about what it means to them.

On Thursday, Year 6 met with Lorcan, who has come to stay in our parish. He will be working with the class every week.  The children quizzed Lorcan on many areas and were especially intrigued to find out what football team he supported!

Home Learning this week is:

Mathletics and Timestable Rockstars.

Prepare your House Captain speech should you want to apply for this role.  In class the children are writing speeches for the remaining roles in addition to a house captain speech.  Please can you encourage your child to think about what they can bring to one of the many roles available to them.

[Liturgy leader, Sports Captain,  Fairtrade Leader, Laudato-Si Leader, Junior Travel Ambassador].

Looking forward to seeing you at our ‘Meet the Teacher’ meeting on Monday at 2:30pm. Our PE sessions for this year are: Monday and Wednesday.  The children will also be starting their swimming lessons next Wednesday as well.  A letter was sent home to you about this during the week.

Wishing you a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines.

Our Year of Pilgrimage Prayer:

God of our journey

Be with us during this year of pilgrimage

And guide our feet along this path of life.

Be our companion by day and night

And may we feel your presence at our side.

Keep us safe and  help us to grow closer to you as we strive to build a better world.

Through Christ our Lord
