Week 5 October 4th, 2019
With many things happening this week, the children have been kept busy busy!
One of the highlights for the class this week has been their class assembly and the reptile and skipping workshops. In English we are studying a non-fiction text: ‘Joan Procter, The Dragon Doctor’ – the woman who loved reptiles by Patricia Valdez and in Maths we have begun our work on rounding. In RE we have continued to look at the importance of stewardship, discussing what Pope Francis has asked us to do – to care for our common home. This linked well with our assembly on St Francis.
Each of the children spoke in the assembly and I was very proud to hear them speak in front of an audience. They retold the story of St Francis well. Well done! They were very excited to have their family and friends at the assembly also…thank you for your continued support.
On Wednesday Richard came from the Reptile Workshop and the children thoroughly enjoyed this experience. At first some of them were slightly apprehensive but over the session, they engaged and thoroughly enjoyed themselves! Hope that you enjoy the photos.
Homework has been set: Mathletics , Spag.com (direct speech) and spellings.
Spellings for this week are:
cereal, serial, by, buy, flower, flour, great, grate, reign, rain
Focus is homophones.