Week 2: 6th March, 2020
This week has been busy with lots happening around us! Lots of the children spent their time enjoying the cycling workshops on Tuesday and Wednesday. They came back talking about all the interesting things they did with the cycling trainers. Well done on to them on achieving their Level 1! The Level 1 certificates will be awarded to them next week in assembly. The children in the choir went out on Tuesday afternoon with Miss Donantantonio and enjoyed their afternoon of singing and meeting other children from other schools.
On Thursday, the children looked great for our World Book Day where they and myself came dressed as characters from the Bible. We listened to Cardinal Vincent’s podcast too and learnt about his favourite story from the bible.
In Maths, the children have continued with their work on measures and fractions. In our topic of fractions they have begun to learn about how to find a fraction of a quantity and how their times tables assists them in working these fractions out. The children have also been introduced to another website that aids them in their understanding of timestables.
Please check out the links below:
Maths Frame: Timestables Check
Home Learning:
- A short 2 minute radio advertisement
Alongside the theme of persuasion and Fairtrade:
Create a script for a Christian radio advertisement about Fair Trade. You need to persuade people that Fair Trade is important! Ensure that you include references to Scripture and explain why this is relevant.
Ideas on references to scripture. Think about:
Pope Paul VI: ‘If you want peace, work for justice’
Mark 12:31 – The second is this: ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ There is no commandment greater than these.”God’s commandment on Love:
Fair trade is a way for us to show Jesus’ love. It’s a way to live what we believe!
Pope Francis’ message on Laudate Si, caring for our common home, caring for others
2. Practise your timetables using the links above as an aid.
Have a lovely weekend!
World Book Day
Finding fractions of quantities:
Timestables Practise
Art work for our display on the Tin Forest:
PE on Fitness with Coach Duggan