Wednesday 29th April Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a lovely day yesterday. I have loved looking at the photos of your learning.

Please email me the most popular flower you found on your walk.

Here is your learning today.

PE Joe Wick’s daily workout live at 9am




Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1   – Today’s sound is ea

If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am

 Click on the link below for the activity

Wednesday Phonics


Write the short date in your maths book





It is 3 o’clock – What time will it be in 1 hour?

45 = 4 tens and _____ ones

37 = ____ tens and 7 ones

I am a 2D shape. I have 4 equal sides and 4 corners. What am I?

I am a 3D shape. I have a circular face and curve face. I have one corner. What am I?

Click on link below for the activity.


English Non -fiction Writing – Plants

Read the powerpoint on the link below

Science and English

Click on link below for the activity.

English and Science

 Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read. Record the books you have read in your reading record. Use oxford owl or Collins Connect

Click My Class login

Username- Popepaul2020

Password- Ilovereading2020

Go to books, ebooks, click on book band and choose your child’s colour. Choose a book. Remember to read the book a few times over the week and talk about the book. Play the activities linked to the books you read.


Answer these questions in your writing book.

What is an algorithm?

Tell me two activities we use algorithms in our lives