Tuesday 28th April Learning

Good morning Year 1. I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday. Thank you for the lovely photos of your learning. Here is your learning today.

PE https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zjkvr82

Have fun learning this dance!

Phonics https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCP_FbjYUP_UtldV2K_-niWw/


Letters and Sounds lesson at 10.30am for Year 1   – Today’s sound is a_e


If your child would like to revise the Phase 3 sounds – 10.00am


Ask your child to read and spell the tricky words and practise the words they do not know. Click the link below.

Tuesday’s Tricky Words


Write the short date in your maths book





6 + ? = 10

6 + ? = 20

5 + ? = 10

5 + ? = 20

5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =


Click on the link below for today’s Maths

Tuesday Maths1

Tuesday Maths 2

Mathletics Activities set for the week

Handwriting /Spellings Write these spellings 4 times each in your handwriting book.

played, walked, jumped, turned, bumped



Write the date


Non -fiction Writing – Plants

Read the powerpoint on the link below

Science and English

Click on link below for the activity.

English and Science

SPAG Activities set for the week

Reading Read for 10 minutes and talk about what you have read.

Extension – A reading comprehension. Choose the one best for your child.

Reading Comprehension

RE Mary Magdalene was the first person to know Jesus had risen. Draw/paint the picture attached. Imagine you were Mary Magdalene. Draw a speech bubble on your picture and write what you think Mary might have said when she realised Jesus had risen .
