Summer 1 Week 2

This week the children finished writing their poems on The Magic Box about their own memories. Then they wrote the poems in neat for our class display. The children followed the structure that Kit Wright used by adding alliteration, prepositions and expanded noun phrases. In Art the children followed instructions to draw a treasure chest.

In Maths, the children have been solving problems by adding and subtracting fractions. They have demonstrated their understanding using resources and drawing pictures.

In Religion, the children imagined they were at the Resurrection and took turns asking and answering questions to one of the people who were there. They thought carefully about how people would have felt and what they might have thought.

Home Learning

Whole School Home Learning

Spellings  – Complete the activities on Spelling shed

scheme, chorus, chemist, echo, character, stomach, monarch, school, anchor, chaos

Please catch up on the home learning from previous weeks.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey