Friday 8th November, 2024
Welcome Back! The term has started well.
In Maths the class have been completing their work on rounding any integer and spent time learning about negative numbers.
In RE the class have been introduced to the Catholic Social Teaching Principle Preferential Option for the Poor. Following lots of discussion based around the sculpture of ‘Homeless Jesus’, the children were assigned into groups to role play as an interviewer/a member of the local Council (against the sculpture) or as a member of the Church community (for the sculpture). They did this well in their groups. Well done Year 6!
‘Homeless Jesus’
The children examined examples in the Gospels where Jesus shows a preferential option for the poor by putting them first. As we are all made in God’s image, everyone deserves dignity and this was discussed with them making them aware that not everyone has the resources to speak out for themselves so we, in a more privileged position, must advocate for those who are voiceless.
As part of our preparation for our school’s Remembrance Pilgrimage on Monday 11th November, the children have written their remembrance prayers to remember their loved ones who have died, and for all those who mourn, that they may find comfort in this difficult time. Please send into school on Monday any remembrance cards or photos of loved ones who have died so they can be added to our class prayer table. All photos etc will be returned to you.
As a follow-up of our work during One World Week on Peru, we had the opportunity to have a zoom call with Karla and Kerwin who are part of the Caritas charity team in Peru. Thank you to the children who were able to stay at school until 3:30pm. The children had devised a number of questions to ask Karla, who talked about how Caritas supports people across the entire country and why they do the jobs they do. It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to hear first hand from those who work so hard to enable Caritas’ mission to be fulfilled – helping people live good lives and to protect nature so that everyone can live in harmony with all of creation.
Yesterday the class voted for representatives for the School Parliament. Well done to the following children who are going to take on a school parliament role. We look forward to hearing about all the things they are going to do to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school.
- Frankie and Filip – were voted to represent the House Leaders.
- Charlie was voted to represent the Sports Leaders.
- Finn B was voted to represent the Laudato Si Leaders.
- Julia was voted to represent the JTA Leaders.
- Mya was voted to represent the Liturgy Leaders.
- Rian was voted to represent the Fairtrade Leaders.
Wishing you and your family a restful weekend.
Mrs McNamara and Mrs Lines
Home Learning:
Spellings on Spellingshed
Activity on Fronted adverbials. There may be other tasks on your account from in class. You do not have to complete these for homework.
Mathletics and TTRS
Next week our morning focus will be looking at the work of Children in Need and using our maths skills to understand how fundraising is done etc… The children are asked to create a poster showing some research about Children In Need and how they help children in need.