Year 3 Week 1 Friday 8th November
Welcome to the second half of the autumn term. It was lovely to see the children return all refreshed and ready to learn.
In RE the children have been looking at the Preferential Option for the Poor and what they can do to help. They discussed how Jesus shows a preferential option for the poor by putting them first. The children then went on create their own Advent giving calendar.
In English this week, the children started their new unit on a book called Tuesday. They spent the week making predictions and sequencing the story using pictures in small groups.
The children have been learning to add and subtract by spotting patterns, adding 1s across a 10 e.g. 273+3 and adding 10s across a 100 barrier e.g. 690+80
We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to seeing you at our class assembly on Friday 15th November,
Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
Mon, Tu & Wed Th & Fr
Please support your child to learn their assembly lines which have been stapled to their reading records today.
Reading: daily reading school or home books.
Spellings: Words with the prefix ‘re-‘
Maths: Mathletics has been set to support mental fluency with addition and subtraction.
Please see below the autumn term letter for RHE.
Life to the Full Plus letters to parents Years 3 and 4