Spring Term Week 3 w.b. 23rd January 2023

In Religion this week Year 1 have been learning about where we and our family all come from. They learnt that on the Feast of the Epiphany, all nations are invited to know God. Year 1 looked at all the different nation flags from our class. We then looked at all the countries that have stars in their flags and reflected on what we can do to shine bright and build a better world. We then decorated a flag from our country for display.

The children were very enthusiastic about our new English text, ‘Where’s my Teddy?’ this week. They worked hard to gather adjectives to describe the characters and worked well to sequence the story into a story map which will help them write their story next week. Story ready by the author:



In Science Year 1 have been using their knowledge to identify and describe different fish, vertebrates, invertebrates and mammals. They worked very hard and next week they will be using their knowledge to classify and group the animals including naming herbivores, carnivores and omnivores.

Some sites to explore relating to science learning:





In Maths Year 1 have continued to work hard in understanding tens and ones to make two-digit numbers and have begun to add them together noticing what happens to the tens and ones. They have also been revising their double knowledge and used lots of resources to represent doubles. Next week they will be identifying odd and even numbers and representing them in different ways. Mathletics has been set to support these skills.


Phonic sounds taught this week available on Spelling Shed:

are, (care) au, (haunt) ear/air (bear,hair)

Children had a Phase 2 and 3 Tricky word assessment as part of our on-going records and these have been sent home for you to support in securing, please see my previous spelling handouts from before Christmas for games and ways to support spelling.

Phase 2- a I go no the to into

Phase 3-we me be he she they are my all was you

We are currently learning phase 5 tricky words so please keep revising these too. oh people I’m asked Mr Mrs could their looked by don’t called old


I look forward to seeing you at Year 1’s assembly at 9:15am on Friday 3rd February and parent consultations the following week.

Enjoy the weekend,

Miss Lambie

  • Please may children have their reading books in their bags every day.
  • Thank you for all the tissues!!! They will keep us going for a while now!