Spring Term – Friday 12th March

It’s been a wonderful week in which we have welcomed the children back into school.

They have been working extremely hard….catching up with all their peers and embracing their learning.

The health and wellbeing of the children is our priority over the coming weeks.  We have a series of planned activities woven into our curriculum to ensure that we are managing as positively and as sensitively as possible the transition back into school which may well be a challenging aspect for our children to face. Our aim is to make the transition as smooth as possible for each and every child.

As part of this transition back, each day we have walked or run many laps of the school field – completing our school mile!   We have noticed that the children have become a little faster at getting around the field…keep this up children!

On Thursday we celebrated World Book Day – the children were dressed in an array of costumes – Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara came as characters from ‘The Scarecrow’s Wedding’!





Home Learning this week.

Focus is on:  St Joseph.

The feast of St Joseph is on Friday 19th March. Earlier this term, we learnt about some of the
characteristics of this special saint. He trusted in God, he listened to God, he looked after Mary and
Joseph and he brought Jesus up in his faith.
There are many different images and paintings of St Joseph created by many different artists.

We would like your child to create their own A4 painting /drawing of St Joseph, using any medium they like and bring their work into school by Friday 19th March and give it to Ms Varga.

Some of them will be displayed in Our Lady and St Vincent’s Church.

Click here for the school newsletter.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother’s Day.


Ms Varga and Mrs McNamara