Spring Term 2: Week 1 28th February

It was lovely for Ms Dunning and I to meet you at the parent consultations this week.  For those parents who could not make those dates, please speak to  Ms Dunning or myself about an appontment.

This week we started on our new writing focus, using the story of The Tin Forest as inspiration.  The children arrived in school on Monday with some lovely home learning about tin. They looked at the setting of the story and using their senses,  spent time developing their understanding of how to write descriptive sentences using them.

In Maths the children have continued to look at how to convert measures: Kg to g, cm to m, mm to cm etc….They have also been working really hard on their 6, 7 and 8 times tables.  A website that they have enjoyed using is:

https://www.mathschase.com/times-tables/.  Please encourage your child to log on and have a go!

On Wednesday, the children walked to Our Lady and St Vincent’s for mass partnered with children from Year 6.  Preparing ourselves for Lent, we had a class act of worship with a focus on praying, fasting and almsgiving and the children wrote their Lenten promises. Their Lenten leaves were added to our Lenten Tree this morning at assembly.

On Thursday, our new Science Topic on Electricity was introduced which was met with excitement.  We have continued with our programming sessions using Scratch Jr.


Home Learning:

Reading and updating Reading Log

Spellings: accident, special, heart, guide, complete, question, ordinary, experience, century, actually, favourite, believe.

Timetable Practice:  log onto https://www.mathschase.com/times-tables/ and practice 6, 7 and 8 timetables.  Can your child improve on their personal best?

Mathletics:  complete the activities set on conversion, magic symbols (set before the half term).

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara      Ms Dunning

Working hard on learning their timetables


Our editing session and final draft of our narratives on Leon and the Place Between

Our Act of Worship on Lent: Display arranged by Elena

PE Lesson with Coach Duggan this afternoon with a focus on fitness.