Spring 1 Week 4

In Year 5 this week, we have continued to follow the story of ‘The London Eye Mystery’. More clues are being discovered daily and we are deepening our understanding of the characters, and how they are changing over time. The children created their own news reports of the child’s disappearance where they considered the verb forms they used.

On Wednesday, Year 5 took part in an E Safety workshop. The children had a lot of fun creating drama activities to show the positive side of the internet and explore some of the issues it creates. The focus was on being KIND:

K- kindness. Think about how you treat others online and make the internet a safe and happy place to be.

I-Inappropriate. Identify inappropriate content and make sure we are only accessing sites, games and apps designed for our age group.

N- Never over share. Keep your personal information safe. Do not give others your passwords, address or telephone number and think carefully about what photos you put online.

D- Don’t hide away. If something you see online troubles you, report it.

It was wonderful to see the wealth of knowledge the children already have. They spoke maturely about some of the dangers on the internet and what they do in order to keep themselves safe.

The children also touched upon some new concepts, such as digital footprints and how social media can affect mental health, which we will explore further in class. Year 5 also found out about CEOP. They understand this is another place they can report online abuse to police at any time.

Have a great weekend


Mrs Lines


Home Learning:



Readtheory- 10 tests

Spellings- week 4

2 replies
  1. Steve O'Keeffe
    Steve O'Keeffe says:

    Hello fellow parents,

    As the lead safeguarding (parent) governor I joined the class for their E Safety awareness session described in the week’s class blog.

    There was great energy from and input the children and the benefits/joys of the internet explored. Equally the dangers of the internet were also explained. I found it eye opening that the children have a much better understanding of the various digital platforms and social media streams than I do!. I don’t consider myself to be a dinosaur just yet but their awareness of the internet is better than most of the parents I know.

    This poses a question….as parents we would not allow our children to wander down dark streets and talk to strangers – although this is exactly the exposure to potential danger that the children are exposed to on twitter/snap chat/Instagram/e-mails /Facebook and online games such as roadblock and fortnite.

    Please have an open,non judgmental and engaged conversation with your children on their online activities and interests on the Internet – can you reassure yourself that they are acting within age restrictions for games and have the appropriate security blocks/filters in place on whatever platform they use?. Perhaps open a discussion up with your child on how they found the recent e-safety input ?.

    Of course the internet opens a colourful world for education and learning but, sadly, there are also dangers that we need to provide protection against.

    It is up to parents to be the children’s morale and informed guardians on the Internet and provide them the best protection online.

    Best wishes

    Steve O’Keeffe

    Safeguarding lead
    Parent governor.

  2. Margaret
    Margaret says:

    Thank you for giving the children an opportunity to think about E- safety and how they can keep them selves safe online.


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