Spring 1 Week 3
Our theme this week was The Three Little Pigs. The children have been drawing story maps, making pig faces, writing about different tricks the pigs could have done, writing letters and acting out the story. They demonstrated wonderful sticking and joining skills when using boxes to make their own houses. They have also been scientists, designing and making houses out of a variety of materials and resources to test whether it could be blown down. Outside, the children have been builders, they have been building houses using lego and bricks and cementing it together using soap.
In Phonics, we have learnt the sounds ch, sh, th and ng. The children have been reading and writing words with this digraphs in. Please continue to practise at home.
In Maths, we made the number 4 and 5 using objects and making cherry models.
Then we learnt about measuring the weight of objects and finding the capacity of containers. The children have been predicting, comparing and measuring the weight and capacity.
This week we started to learn the Our Father and spoke about how this prayer encourages us to forgive each other. We thought about times when we need to say sorry and ask for forgiveness.
If your child has been given a reading for assembly, please practise with them.
Home Learning – Please complete the birdwatch activity. Children can bring their tally in to share with the class. See attached Birdwatch leaflet
Next Friday is our class assembly at 9.15am. If your child has a sibling who is in the Young Voices Concert, could the Reception children be in at normal time so they do not miss our assembly.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Mrs Carey and the Early Years Team