Reception Week Beginning 6.6.22
This week, Reception have been learning about Pentecost and the associated symbols of fire, water and wind. The children were amazed to learn that Pentecost is when we celebrate the church’s birthday!
Over the week, the class planned birthday parties, designed party outfits, made cards, invitations and guest lists and drew beautiful Pentecost pictures. They also created a fire station role play in the outdoor area, painted fire inspired pictures and discussed the benefits and dangers of fire. When focussing on the symbol of wind, Reception had fun making kites from plastic bags and paper airplanes, and enjoyed testing them out to see if they would fly.
Reception have also been very busy practising some of the events taking place on Sports Day, which is on next Tuesday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has a pair of plimsols or trainers in school on Monday and Tuesday, if their current school shoes are not suitable and that they are wearing their summer uniform, which is the yellow polo top with a Pope Paul skort or shorts. Lots of the children wearing tights and track suit bottoms this week have been overheating or complaining that they are uncomfortable. Please also provide your child with a hat, water bottle and apply sun cream before school, if the weather is hot. Thank you!
Today, the children attended mass in the school hall, to celebrate the feast day of our school saint, St Paul VI, which fell during the half term break, on May 29th. As usual, the children were prayerful and respectful and made their teachers proud. This was followed by an ice lolly treat on the sunny field with the rest of the school!
Have a wonderful weekend.
See you all at the carnival on Sunday!
The Reception Team