Reception Week Beginning 28.11.22

This week, Reception have been learning about Advent and focussing on the meaning of the first candle- Hope.

They listened to the story, The World Made a Rainbow by Michelle Robinson. From missing friends, missing teachers, and missing grandparents, The World Made a Rainbow tackles all of the challenges of life under the recent lock-downs for little ones, while offering hope, comfort, and solidarity. You can listen to this beautiful story below.

Remarkably, very few children in the class remembered Covid 19 or the lock-downs and were fascinated to hear about how the older children in our school had to stay at home and do their learning online!

The class thought about their own hopes and used their phonics to write them down. They then put them in our class ‘jar of hopes’. They also made rainbows from various materials- a worldwide symbol of hope.

On Thursday, we were visited by Bishop John, who began the day by joining the school for a special Advent assembly. He then came to the Reception classroom, where he was treated to two songs from our upcoming Nativity performance. He was very impressed!

The children are looking forward to their performance on Thursday morning. Thank you to all of the parents who have provided their child with undergarments to wear underneath their costume. If you haven’t done so already, please send them in as a matter of urgency.

Have a lovely weekend,

The Reception Team