Reception Class Week Beginning 16.11.20
The whole school focus this week has centered around National Anti-Bullying Week and in Reception, the children have been thinking a lot about what makes a good friend.
The class started off the week by listening to the story ‘The Rainbow Fish, a book well known for it’s message of selfishness, friendship and sharing. The children discussed what it feels like when you feel included, cared for and respected by others. They also discussed what to do if you are feeling left out, upset by someone’s behaviour towards you, or if you are ever physically hurt by someone. Reception also learnt about how to keep safe online and cyber-bullying.
The theme of how to be a good friend continued all week long. Amongst many other things, the children made friendship bracelets for one another, decorated hearts and gave them out, made cards with messages of friendship inside and wrote about who their special friends are and why.
This week, the children got to choose their parts for the class Nativity; rehearsals will begin next week!
You will not need to provide any costumes, as we have our own, thank you.
Have a wonderful weekend,
The Reception Team