Friday, 8th July 2022

This week, in Year 4, the children named, described and classified triangles in Maths, whilst in English, after looking at expanded noun phrases and similes for description, they explicitly planned  for their last narrative. They will write their stories next week, across 3 days, coming up with an alternative resolution to our class book, Stitch Head.

In Science, the class carefully designed questions, creating their own classification key to separate different animals (vertebrates). In History, the children used the artefacts from the museum we visited last week, to interpret them and explain aspects of life in Tudor time. In RE, we looked closer at the story of the Good Samaritan and wrote our own version, appropriate for 2022.

On Wednesday, we had the pleasure to watch Mount Grace School’s production of Mary Poppins, which was a real treat. The children were very well behaved and supportive.

As next Friday, the children participate in our Summer Fun Day, I would like to send home the Tudor house projects on Thursday. I know many of you walk with the children, so this is just a note, to give you time to prepare appropriately. Some of the houses are rather large 🙂

Once more, thank you for your amazing support with this project, the children can be very proud of their work.

Have a lovely weekend,

Ms Varga

See your Home Learning below:

Home Learning Due by Tuesday, 12th July 2022
Spelling Spelling Rule 33 – Word list – years 3 and 4 – pro- to sen-


Please complete 2 activities and update your reading log.

Maths Revision

Complete the activities in your assigned pod, all centering around Revision of skills.