Friday 8th July 2022


Our CAMs Project

It has definitely been another busy week in Year 5!

This week the focus has been our CAMs project in Design and Technology and although some of the children have found taking their design and making it a slight challenge, they have been resilient in their approach and as you can see from the photos above, their designs are coming along!  This project is giving the children the opportunity to be practical, solve problems and gain skills for the future.  Trial and error is a huge element of Design and Technology and enables children to build resilience and focus on the process as much as the outcome. The children have been selecting a range of equipment and materials in order to create their product and I am so pleased to see them adapting their design if things aren’t going as planned.

On Tuesday the class went to see the production of Beauty and the Beast at Nicolas Breakspear which they thoroughly enjoyed and on Wednesday some children attended the production of Mary Poppins at Mount Grace School. Again, they enjoyed this experience to watch children at the school (some past pupils of Pope Paul) take part.

A BIG well done must go to the choir and orchestra members who performed at the Wyllyotts Theatre on Wednesday evening.  They have been busy rehearsing for many weeks and their commitment ensured that the performance was a massive success!!

On Thursday, we were then treated to another concert – our guitarists from Year 5 performed in front parents and other family members and friends and children from Key Stage 2.  Performing in front of an audience can be a very nervous experience BUT the children played really well.

Wishing you and your families a lovely weekend.  It’s going to be a sunny one!


Mrs Lines and Mrs McNamara

Home Learning:

Spellings:  Exceptions to the ‘i before e’ rule

Neither, weird, foreign, leisure, seize, forfeit, height, protein, caffeine 2 activities set 5 tests

Mathletics and Times table Rockstars (a timed activity will take place in class next week to see if you have improved from your last personal best score).