Friday, 5th June 2020

Dear Year 4,

It has been an eventful week and you have certainly kept yourselves busy!  We hope that you enjoyed the Celebration Blog showcasing some of your home learning.  Well Done!

We have loved hearing from you! Continue to keep in touch.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs McNamara and Ms Varga


Here is your learning for today. 

PE Click here for your Active June worksheet

If you enjoy the Joe Wicks workout, please continue to have fun with his daily workout.

Morning Prayer

Find a quiet place to sit ….

This is another day, O Lord.

I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be.

If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus.














Read Theory




Reading Log

Today, we have attached two things for you to read.  You can choose one of them or both – it’s entirely up to you!!

Click here for  this week’s edition of First News. Which articles did you find interesting? Please let us know.

Here is a history book containing facts:

Log onto Read theory and complete at least 5 exercises.

Currently in 1st place: Child C, 2nd: Child M and in joint 3rd place: Child F and L.



What are you reading?  Have you been updating your reading log?  Post us a picture of your reading log.  We would like to award some reading certificates to those of you who are regularly updating your logs!

If there are online books that you are interested in….email us and we’ll do our best to find some about topics that interest you!


Word List: accident, accidentally, address, answer, appear,
arrive, believe, bicycle, actual and actually.

Dictation: Please ask an adult or older sibling to read the following to you.  You must write out in full each sentence underlying the spelling word being tested.

  1.  The word is accident.     The accident happened on the High Road in Barnet.
  2. The word is accidentally.  I accidentally spilt the jug of water over me and got wet.
  3. The word is address.  We have an address and phone number.
  4. The word is answer.  I answer my phone when it rings or it goes to the answerphone.
  5. The word is appear.  A car appeared suddenly at the corner and couldn’t stop!
  6. The word is arrive.  I normally arrive ten minutes before my appointment.
  7. The word is believe.  “You wouldn’t believe what I saw!” said my friend running towards me.
  8. The word is bicycle.  As it is the summer term, I am allowed to ride my bicycle to school.
  9. The word is actual.  The actual cost of the repair was much higher than the estimate given.
  10. The word is actually. One afternoon, John grew bored and actually fell asleep for a few minutes!



Today, we have set you a maths cooking challenge!! If you are able to, have a go!

Click here for the instructions.

Click here for the Clue Dough Cake activity.

We have also set you some Mathletics.  Log onto Mathletics and complete the work on Multiplication

that we have set for you.


English Watch Toy Story Escape

Read Toy Story Escape and complete the activity attached.

Wider Curriculum Choose one activity to complete this afternoon  from the Curriculum Blog.
Do tell us how you get on!
The focus of these activities is ‘Viewpoints’.Friday’s song