Friday, 2nd of December 2022
The children in Year 4 had a very busy week. They have written, edited and published the first parts of their non-chronological reports, whilst in Maths they continued their scaling and correspondence problem solving. In Science, they looked at the parts of the human ear and identified their function. They also learnt about how sound travels through different mediums. In RE, they summarised their understanding of the Jesse Tree before moving on to listening to the Nativity story according to Matthew. We prayed the Jesse Tree in class every day and also walked to church to rehearse for the Advent Service.
Well done to the choir for their lovely singing and to the children representing our school during the outdoor athletics competition on Wednesday. They came second!
We also welcomed the Bishop on Thursday and I was very impressed with the children’s mature and well-thought questions to him in class. They could also articulate clearly how we are building a better world in school, a question the Bishop was interested to hear about.
Thank you for those of you who have already sent in items for the class hamper; the collection is still carrying on so if you can, please send in a white item to contribute to the raffle.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Varga
Please see your Home Learning below:
Spelling- please use your Edshed account to practice this week’s spelling words.
Multiplication- please log onto TTRockstars and spend 20 minutes practicing your facts.
Please practice your Advent Service song lyrics and make sure you learn the highlighted parts by heart.