Autumn 2 Week 4

This week we read The day the Crayons quit by Drew Daywalt and explored the different emotions of each character using freeze frames. We have also made predictions about what some of the Crayons might enjoy if they were to quit and created some colourful crayon art. Next week,  we are going to look at persuasive language and begin writing our own persuasive letters.

In maths we have used different mental strategies for addition and subtraction. Next week we will be exploring fact families and inverse for example:

15 + 15 = 30  and 30 -15 = 15

100 +3 = 103 and 103 – 3 = 100

In science we have investigated the function of our muscles; creating models and labelling the muscles and predicting and identifying which muscles we use when running.

We have begun our Advent preparation by creating Advent angels and promises. Each day through Advent we shall be sharing our promises and reading an Advent prayer together. Look out for your child’s Advent angel on the window in the playground.

Home learning 

Reading and spelling 

Please record your reading in your reading record and learn this word list;









Whole School Home Learning Advent 2020 Friday 27th November 2020 – see the Newsletter for examples.

Advent  is the period leading up to Christmas. It starts on the Sunday nearest to 30 November which this year is Sunday 29th November and ends on Christmas Eve. The word ‘advent‘ comes from the Latin word ‘adventus’ meaning ‘coming’ which is a translation of the Greek word ‘parousia’. It is a time of waiting and preparation rather than a joyful celebration like Christmas.

Advent reminds us to remember and prepare for the birth of Jesus.

To help us prepare for Christ’s coming during Advent we invite you to take part in a creative home learning opportunity. 

  1. Make an Advent wreath 

One of our Advent traditions is to pray around an Advent Wreath.

Create an Advent Wreath or Advent Candles from card and paper and display in your home as an Advent focus. Here are some ideas for making a craft display.

  1. Write an Advent prayer to say with your family every day of Advent. Here are some examples to help you.

Blessed are you, O Lord our God, king of the universe.

You sent your Son to be the Light of the world and to spread his light of love to all.

As we light the candles of this wreath

May its growing brightness remind us of the approaching nearness of your Son

So that the day of His coming may find us prepared and filled with joy.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Taking part in these activities will help us to prepare and focus for the birth of Jesus at Christmas.

Mrs Joyce

RE Co-ordinator