Autumn 1 Week 4
We have started to learn the djembe drum in Year 4. This week we learnt how to play bass sounds, which are the lowest pitches on the djembe. When you play bass sounds you have to hit the centre of the drum with a heavy, flat palm. We also played tone sounds, which are medium-pitched. When you play tone sounds you use the full length of the fingers. Once we had mastered these sounds, we played we ‘We rock you’ on the djembe!
In Art we have created paint and ink patterns and made our own tessellation stencils, to make repeating patterns.
In English, we have been working hard to finish our narratives. I have been impressed with the classes creativity, editing and publishing skills.
It was lovely to see so many parents at our assembly, about St Vincent de Paul, this morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that the class read and sang beautifully.
Have a lovely weekend
Miss Pringle
Home learning
Spelling – words with the prefix ‘sub-’ meaning ‘below’ or ‘divided’
Please complete the handwriting sheet provided and learn this spelling list. Spelling shed activities have been set too.
Mathletics has been set.
Reading – please read over the weekend and sign reading records.