Year 6 Week Beginning 11.3.24

This week, Year 6 joined the rest of the school in celebrating British Science Week; the theme this year was ‘Time’.

To kick start the week off, the children were asked the BIG QUESTION-

Does taller mean faster?

Initially, and after much debate, the children decided that they thought that taller did in fact mean that you would be quicker, due to your legs being longer and therefore covering more ground, more quickly. They were asked to put the question to the test.

First, they planned their test, thinking carefully about how they were going to ensure that it was fair.  They then measured one another’s legs from hip to ankle and plotted the measurements on a table.

Then the class went outside onto the playground and began their tests, recording results as they happened!

Back in class, the children reflected on their results and represented these on a dual bar chart.

Upon finishing,  Year 6 came to the conclusion that taller DID NOT mean faster!!!

Continuing with British Science Week, on Wednesday, Pope Paul were joined by Mr Kelly, one of the science teachers from Nicholas Breakspear, who delivered a special science lesson about dinosaurs, and how paleontologists are able to know about how life on our planet used to be, because of their work with fossils. The class then enjoyed a fun, practical activity, where they dug around for bones in layers of jelly and sand!

On Wednesday, Year 5 and 6 represented Pope Paul School at OLASV, where they attended mass to celebrate the feast day of St Louise de Marillac. As usual, the children made staff proud with their reverence and beautiful singing.

Today, the whole school were treated to a wonderful St Patrick’s Day assembly by Year 3. Fern , Caitlin and Lucy also took part in the assembly, wowing the audience with their amazing Irish dancing. Well done girls!!

Well done to Christoph and Eliana, who sent pictures of themselves with fairtrade products, this week!

Well done for today’s brilliant rehearsal with Year 5, for the upcoming Way of the Cross. For your home learning, please practise your words if you are reading: if you have left them at school, you can also find a copy here:

The Way Of The Cross – 2024 parts

Please also practise the songs here, which will need to be learnt off by heart by the service (Tuesday 26th March).

Science Whole School Home Learning

Take a Science Selfie! Can you complete a science experiment at home and take a selfie of you and your family? Below are some websites with some ideas. Please bring in a photo to your class teacher.

Spelling Shed

  • Words with an /oa/ sound spelled ‘ou’ or ‘ow’
  • Using hyphens to avoid ambiguity

Daily reading

TT Rockstars