Summer 1 Week 1

I hope you had a wonderful Easter holidays.

In English, we read and compared ‘Words are Ours’ and The Magic Box’ poems. Then the children practised reading and performing The Magic Box. They focused on reading with expression, emphasising key words and showing emotions in their face. Then the children used the items that they bought in from home to plan their own poem about their favourite memories. In Design and Technology, they began looking at boxes to support their planning and making of their own magic box.

In Maths, the children have been learning to add and subtraction fractions though problem solving. The children have used cubes and pictures to support their understanding.

In Religion, we have been focusing on Matthew’s story of the Resurrection. The children analysed the text and identified the beliefs that Catholics have frim this story.

For PE for this term, Mr Mills will be teaching the children tennis. The children enjoyed their first lesson and I was impressed with their ball skills. PE days continue to be on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Home Learning

Spellings Spelling shed and write words in handwriting books.

teacher, catcher, richer, stretcher, watcher, dispatcher, butcher, preacher, cruncher and scorcher

Mathletics Complete activities
Studyladder Complete activities
Timetables Rockstars Please practise 3, 4 and 8 timetables.


Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Carey