Reception Week Beginning 19.9.22

Stick Man (TV Movie 2015) - IMDb

This week, Reception have been focussing on the story ‘Stick Man’ by Julia Donaldson. The children absolutely loved this story! You can find a fantastic adaptation on the BBC iPlayer here:

The class started the week off by going for a walk around the school field on the hunt for Stick Man. Sadly, they didn’t find any sign of him, but they found lots of fantastic sticks that they brought back to the classroom instead! The children thought about lots of different uses for the sticks. Ideas included: a bridge for an ant, a handle on a grass cutter, a bicycle frame and a broom. Some children made cards to send to Stick Man’s family and lots of children enjoyed the challenge of building a tower higher than the longest stick.

Many Reception children in the class are experiencing difficulty using scissors, and so this week, they have been practising their cutting skills and creating beautiful collages in the process! Following on from last week, when they drew self-portraits, Reception have also been painting their own portraits this week.

This afternoon, Reception met their Year Six reading partners for the very first time. They all exchanged cards and pictures and spent time getting to know each other. The children will meet up for half an hour every Friday from now onwards.

Next week, the children are going to be thinking about growing and when they were babies. If possible, please provide your child with one photo of themselves as a baby. Each child will be talking about their picture and they will also be used as part of a class display. Thank you!

Families with little babies- if anyone is able to come into class one morning next week and talk to the class about how you take care of your baby, please speak to Ms Pemberton on Monday morning, thank you!

Next Thursday, we have our Phonics Meeting for parents at 2.30pm. If you are unable to make this meeting, we will make sure that you are given any handouts and a copy of the PowerPoint will be available for you to view on the school website.

Just a reminder-we will be starting phonics on Monday morning. Please check your child’s book bag that evening, as we will also be sending home a phonics home learning book. Over the next week, we will be sending home a reading book, along with a class library book too.

Have a wonderful weekend,

The Reception Team