Year 6 Week Beginning 15.1.24
It has been a very cold week, but despite this, Year 6 took their Science learning outside as part of their topic, ‘Evolution and Inheritance’. To kick start the new unit, Year 6 explored Earth’s timeline through a practical lesson involving a toilet roll and geological facts. It was lots of fun!
In RE, the class consolidated their understanding of the epic bible story Exodus, and demonstrated this by writing their own newspaper reports.
In Music, the children built on last week’s lesson on body percussion, by composing their own rhythms and performing them to the rest of the class.
This morning, Year 6 worked in trios, planning their own class acts of worship, which they will lead over the course of the year.
In Maths, Year 6 have been revising long multiplication methods and in English, they have been writing dual perspective narratives.
Parents, please note, next week in Ten Ten (RSHE), we will be teaching:
Module 1: Created and Loved by God
Unit 3 Emotional Wellbeing- Session 4: Seeing Stuff Online
Please see the information letter, uploaded onto the website by Mrs McNamara, last week. This has further information about coverage and links to the Ten Ten website. Thank you.
Home learning:
Mathletics- Multiplication Grammatical terminology
Spelling Shed
Well done to those of you who brought your up-to-date reading records in today. Please remember to date the record and keep a log of the page number you have read up to. Please bring them in again on Friday, so I can check this.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Pemberton