Year 6 Week Beginning 10.6.24
This week, it was Healthy Eating Week at Pope Paul School.
The themes were:
- Get at least 5 A DAY – Fresh, frozen, dried and canned all count!
- Move more – Find ways to be more active every day.
- Stay hydrated – Have about 6-8 drinks a day.
- Focus on fibre – Have more wholegrain foods, fruit, vegetables, beans and lentils.
- Reduce food waste.
Over the week, Year 6 created informative healthy eating advice leaflets, focussing on all the five aspects set out above. They also had fun preparing and sampling healthy fruit salad and flavoured water.
Upper key stage 2 were once again visited by Beth Cullen, from the Herts Mental Health Support Team, this week. She came to talk to the children about Men’s Mental Health Week, focussing on themes such as toxic masculinity and ways to keep mentally healthy.
On Thursday, some of our children took part in the Year 6 Herts for Learning Maths Challenge. Nikola said, “It was fun, even though the questions were very challenging!”
Well done to the children who took part: Nikola, Samarth, Lucy L, Eraldo, Grey, Lucy W, Isabelle, Christoph and Catherine!
The children have been working extremely hard on learning their lines for our upcoming end of year production, and rehearsals are going very well . Costume suggestions also went home during the week. Please try and source as much as you can from your own homes and charity shops, rather than spending money buying costumes that you might never wear again.
We are in need of large pieces of cardboard and newspaper to make props and scenery- please bring in any spare that you have at home, thank you!
If you haven’t already done so, please bring in your PGL forms as a matter of urgency- there are still nine sets of forms outstanding. You can also begin to bring in pocket money for PGL from Monday. Please ensure that it is in something that can be resealed and that your name is on it, thank you.
Continue to practise your lines and organise your costumes for home learning.
Have a lovely weekend,
Ms Pemberton