Year 6 – 11/09/20

This morning, Year 6 were lucky enough to go on retreat at the church. The morning began with Mass, continued with a reflection led by Fr Shaun on the Beatitudes, and was followed by group work in their houses in which they discussed the leadership qualities of their house saints and came up with ways that they could impart these qualities and values in their own leadership roles back at Pope Paul. The beautiful way in which the children conducted themselves during the Mass, combined with their participation and sharing of ideas during the discussions made it a privilege to be a part of. Well done, Year 6 – you are without doubt going to make fantastic leaders this year.

In other news this week, we began our Science topic on the circulatory system and keeping healthy. We learnt about the key components of the circulatory system and acted the system out on the field, with children being the heart, the lungs, red blood cells and muscles of the body.

In English, we focused on the essentials of sentence writing, in Maths we began with place value, in Music we learnt about beat and syncopation, in Geography we began our topic on rivers, and in PE we practised catching small balls.

Your home learning for this week (due Wednesday) is as follows:

Maths Tasks assigned on Mathletics (login details given out to children this afternoon):

·         Put in Order

·         Numbers from Words to Digits 1

·         Numbers from Words to Digits 2

·         Partition and Rename

Reading 30 minutes on (login details given out this afternoon)
Spellings This week’s words contain the syllable –cial or –tial, to be tested Friday 18th Sept.














Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.

Miss Donatantonio 😊