Year 6 – 10/09/21

It’s been an exciting and very busy first full week back! This morning, Year 6 attended Mass then had a leadership morning at the church, during which they found out about inspirational female leaders in the modern world, and discussed how they displayed different qualities of Mary. This then led them to think about the qualities that will make them good leaders and role models this year at Pope Paul. On Monday, they will be applying for their roles of responsibility, which include House Captains, Liturgy Leaders, Fairtrade Leaders, Laudato Si’ Leaders and Sports Captains. If they would like to apply to be a House Captain, they need to prepare a speech to make in Monday’s house meetings. Other roles require a letter to be written to Mrs Heymoz, detailing why they would like the role and why they are suitable for it.

On Wednesday, the school celebrated the birthday of Our Lady. In Year 6, we identified and discussed the qualities of Mary. We also made origami flowers with birthday messages on, which were then presented to Mary in the Peace Garden. They look beautiful and are now on display at the church.

In Maths this week, we have concentrated on place value, whilst in English, we began a unit based on a WW2 text, Children of the King. We have explored the theme of evacuation and have started learning about persuasive techniques. This links with our History topic for this term – Potters Bar at War – which we will be starting next week.

Home learning begins this week, and is due on Wednesday 15th September.

Maths Mathletics assignments:

·        Numbers from Words to Digits 1

·        Numbers from Words to Digits 2

·        Place Value – Millions

Reading Completion of 5 passages on ReadTheory
Spellings To be tested: 17/09/21

















Here are the origami tutorial videos that we used this week:

Have a lovely weekend!

Miss Donatantonio