Year 3 Week 4 Friday 27th September


On Wednesday afternoon, the children were preparing to retell the story of Moses and the Burning Bush. They enjoyed listening to the story and having Deacon Sean in to share the session with us. They also learnt that the main character in this story is a man called MOSES and we produced a mind map of what we already know about him.


The children have continued to explore numbers within 100 this week and worked hard placing them on a number line. They challenged themselves to go beyond and started to count in multiples of 100. They then went on to partition numbers to 100 using the same method as we shared last week.


The children loved watching the whole of our story this week and worked well to collect alliteration and rhyming language. They have even started to plan and draft their final pieces so watch this space next week!


This week the children looked at animals without a spine. They also learnt that an animal without a spine has an exoskeleton, which is there to protect it. They labelled diagrams and were able to identify and compare which animals have a spine and which ones have an exoskeleton.


In PE this week the children were focusing on holding balances with good control and finding ways of moving out of one balance and into another.



  • There is no need for chalk pens or sharpies in their pencil cases thank you.
  • Please have reading books in school every single day. It’s challenging to hear every child read without these.

 We wish you a peaceful weekend and look forward to next week,

Mrs Poyiadzis and Miss Lambie
   Mon, Tu & Wed        Th & Fr



Reading: Expectation is to read with your child for 20 mins a day and comment in the logbook.

Spellings: Edshed activity has been set
Words where the digraph ‘ou’ makes an /u/ sound’
Week two ‘ou’ when it makes ‘u’ e.g. touch.

Maths: Please log on to Mathletics and then let us know if you need a user reminder.
We have set the activity ‘Numberline’ to complete.