Year 2, Week 6

The class have used adjectives, nouns and commas to write some wonderful list poems about Autumn this week. After writing them out onto a leaf template, in their best handwriting, they used watercolour ink to decorate them in Autumnal colours.


During Maths the class have solved and learnt to understand   < and > inequality. We have started to regroup using think 10 and will continue with this next week. Here is a video to show you how we will use the 10s frame

In science we have used our observational skills to identify what can be found in a log pile habitat. Next week we will explore why living things are suited to different habitats. We have combined our computing and RE skills this week to create metaphors for God Popplets.

It has been a pleasure to read the children’s space projects and hear them discuss them with their peers. Thank you for your support with this. Next week, in History, we will be exploring how Neil Armstrong and other significant individuals contributed to a significant event beyond living memory.

Have a lovely weekend

Miss Pringle

Home Learning


Reading – Please read to an adult.
English – Three comprehension activities have been set on studyladder.
Maths – Please use hit the button to practise number bonds to 10 and 20 as well as practising 2, 5 and 10 timetables.