Welcome to Y2

Welcome to Year 2 and our special Year of Growth! It has been wonderful getting to know the children today and seeing how happy they were to see each other again.  I have also been very impressed with their learning and behaviour. Well done Year 2, you are proving to be very good role models for the younger classes.

Here is some information about P.E. reading and Home Learning.


PE days will be Tuesday and Wednesday this half term – please ensure your child comes to school in their PE kits on these days. Next week Wednesday is party day for the whole school (see newsletter) please ensure your child is wearing clothes and trainers suitable for football.


Reading books will be sent home next Tuesday – please return any reading books and records that you have at home.

Home Learning

Home learning will be set every Friday and due in the following Wednesday unless you are told otherwise.

Have a restful weekend

Miss Pringle